Monday, December 14, 2009

Fan Fiction Blog 1: The Joker

Heath Ledger's Joker has definatly put a whole new generation of girls through puberty. And in some cases, a late puberty. The Interwebz has became a Joker fangirl temple that has its share of good and bad parts. This post is all about the bad.

1-The Joker/any male character- I do not have anything against gay people/couples. Far from it. But why does it seem like 95% of all fan fiction has Joker getting it on with one of the following: Bruce/Batman, Harvey Dent, Gordon (which makes me shudder), Scarecrow (which gives me nightmares), and several other promenient male characters. I blame the nurse's outfit, but Heath definatly had an awesome pair of legs. Made me jealous. I understand 'Man Love' is in right now and if you want to write or drawn Joker/Batsy gay porno, go for it. Personally, I don't like it.

2-Joker/OC-Now, I'm dissing myself in this to, so no flames! OC's are tricky. You either make them Mary-Sue's or get them to the point where you want them tied up to a car and blew up...oh yeah, I went there. Here's the run down of the typical OC's for Joker fics:

A) Daddy/Mommy/Family Issues Girl: This character has deeply rooted family problems that leads her to be bat-shit crazy, metally fragile, or Emo.

B) The Already Mentally Messed-Up Girl: already has something mentally wrong with her such has being a Sociopath, suffering from dissociative identity disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Schizo, or Bipolar Disorder.

C) The Kidnapped Girl: Pretty self explanatory there. But if you write it correctly, you can get a serious messed up Stockholm Syndrome going on where the point she feels sorry for the John Wayne Gayce of the modern age.

D) The-He-Saw-You-And-Must-Have-You Girl: that's what we call a STALKER ladies!

3) A few stories I read have actually nailed the Joker (no pun intended) pretty close. Other's are hit and misses that tend to bore me quickly. What no one can really agree on is the whole 'having-sex-against-your-will' thing. Some writers say that he will do it, while others say he has a code.


Guess its hard to chose a side because all the Jokers in media form has always came off asexual. Abusing Harley is his way of getting off, I guess. That does explain the baggy pants. One author, whose screen name I can't think off right now which sucks because they are awesome, uses sex as a way to completely screw with the girl's head. The way they write it is extremely...well, words can't really explain it.

4) The happy endings. Can't stand the happy "we'll get married and have a bunch of babies" endings. Give me something sick and twisted that will either screw with my head or make me feel like I'm going to Hell for laughing at. Save your happy endings for your Jacob/Bella crap; no one wants that here.

My brains running out of steam, so I guess I should stop soon. If you don't believe me, check out some fan fiction sites. If I missed something, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah....Heath Ledger's Joker looks like he'd smell really bad. Of all the versions to fall in love with...

    At least Scarecrow is a good-looking dude.
