Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Enough Is Enough Already!


Single handly, this is what is making America dumber. Tabloid shows are numbing down the mental capacity of whoever watches them. I have too much crap to worry about in my own life, so excuse me that I don't give a flying rat's ass about Jennifer Lopez shopping for clothes I can never afford or Mily Cryus insulting the Asian community. There are things called school, working, and bills that just seem a little more important.

Sad enough, tabloid fodder websites like TMZ are the most visited 'news' websites on the Web. It seems the American Public care more about the Tiger Woods divorce and how many mistressess he seems to have.

Look, I know the news isn't a big basket of puppies and kittens with warm muffins. Well neither is the real world. I understand that if you watch or read celebrity magazines just to escape for a while, but don't make it your life. I've known people who get so reeved up over celebrity divorces or scandels that you would think they actually knew them. Prime example is this Tiger Woods thing. Just to show how everything is upside down, think of it this way: when an average everyday couple gets a divorce, its a sad, tragic event for all those involved and the people they know. But in CELEBRITY WORLD where nothing is deemed to sacred, it becomes something for 'journalists' and 'celebrity panels' who have no connection with the people involved to dissect and make it thier business.

On Extra tonight (my mom had it on during dinner), the panel began talking if Tiger Woods will 'cause harm to himself' and ended by saying 'he might be the next Anna Nicole Smith'.


Do these people have no soul? Guess not if you can laugh about calling Kelly Clarkson fat like they did on TMZ.

Face it True Believers, this is what's going to cause America's downfall.

1 comment:

  1. As much as celebrity culture makes my head melt...clearly, someone's watching it. Lord knows who...
